China: Culture and Society --Wason Pamphlet , 1750-1929(中国:文化与社会--华生中国收藏)


China : Culture and Society --Wason Pamphlet , 1750-1929
( 中国:文化与社会 -- 华生中国收藏 )
试用截止日期: 2012 7 8
英国著名的学术出版社 Adam Matthew Publications 成立于 1990 年,以出版原始手稿、珍稀图书与其他原始资料著称,目前出版项目超过 500 个,其资源主要来自欧洲、北美、非洲与澳大利亚的图书馆与档案馆,根据学者与研究图书馆的需要提供历史学、人类学与社会科学领域中众多方面的主题。他们还拥有 20 余种历史数据库,通过他们的 Adam Matthew Digital 公司向用户提供专业的学术服务。
《中国:文化与社会 - 华生中国收藏》数据库收录内容全部来源于美国康奈尔大学图书馆查尔斯·华生( Charles W. Wason )中国收藏。这是一个首次囊括了华生全部有关中国及东亚地区,内容跨越三个世纪( c1750-1929) 的丰富一手珍稀原始资料数据库。它的出版,使得这部馆藏于康奈尔大学图书馆中的古老特藏文献,得以通过现代化的手段,更加有效地运用于中国及世界历史文化的研究中。
华生收藏品全部数字化内容,共包括 220 卷, 1,200 册全彩色文档。数据库支持全文检索,使得数据库中的内容可以更加精确及有效利用于基础学习和教学研究中。特别值得一提的是,文献当中众多高质量的插图与艺术封面设计同样具有极高的研究价值。目前,还没有其他数字化项目能够提供与此相类似内容的原始资料。本数据库不仅为教学研究人员提供了研究中国与西方极为重要的学术资源,同时还满足了在更广泛的研究领域中,对中国历史、宗教、文化与社会生活相关学术资源的需求。
华生中国收藏始于康奈尔大学校友及当时任职于克利夫兰铁路公司管理者查尔斯 o 华生( Charles W. Wason )的私人收藏。华生对中国及远东的巨大兴趣,促使他及其妻子在 1903 年到中国和日本进行了长时间的巡回旅行并收集了大量珍稀资料。这一时期也正处于近现代中国重要的过渡时期。数据库中珍稀原始手稿部分 (DS703 Z101 - DS703 Z226) 来自于 Carl A. Kroch 图书馆 - 康奈尔大学 19 个分馆之一。
本数据库同时也作为 AMD Adam Matthew Digital )出版社亚洲研究系列数据库中的又一个重要子库,并且 Adam Matthew 出版社今后将不断致力于与中国相关的原始资料的数字化项目的开发。 AMD 同时还出版有大量的相关主题的出版物。本数据库与 AMD 其他相关主题的出版物内容基本没有重复。
1 珍稀原始资源,单一来源。目前没有其他类似内容的数据库。
2 均为珍贵的原始手稿或原始档案的全彩色图像,更加有利于对当时历史的研究。
3 可以对图像中的文字进行全文检索。
4 功能直观,方便易学,读者可以在短时间内自学掌握所有功能。
5 提供导航分类,点击不同分类,可浏览相应内容。
6 辅助提供相关论文、大事年表与书目等。
Source Library
The Wason Pamphlet Collection at Cornell University
Nature of the Material
Addresses and speeches
Annual reports
Guides and manuals
Inquiries and studies
Lecture notes
Magazine articles
Meeting minutes
Notes and records
Scope of the Collection
The pamphlets cover a very wide range of topics including:
Ancient objects and artefacts
Colonial rule
Currency and coinage
Customs and traditions
Embassy visits and legations
Everyday life
Expeditions and voyages
Games and pastimes
Health and Medicine
International Relations
Language and writing
Literature and poetry
Missionary work
Natural history
Opium trade and smuggling
Politics and policy
Population data
Religion and mythology
Topography and geography
Trade and commerce
Example pamphlet titles
The scope of the Wason Pamphlet collection is astonishingly broad. The following selection of pamphlet titles to be included in the resource provides an idea of the vast range and scope of the material:
Across Asia on a Bicycle
Alligators in China : their history, description and identification
Ancient Chinese Coinage
British Crown Disgraced in China
Calamitous Typhoon at Hongkong, 18th September, 1906, being a full account of the disaster
Cathay / translated by Ezra Pound
China 's Intercourse with Korea
Chinese account of the Opium War
Description of ancient Chinese vases : with inscriptions illustrative of the history of the Shang dynasty of Chinese sovereigns
Extracts from the Peking gazettes (translated)
Future of the port of Shanghai : a geological study
Glossary of English and Chinese Anatomical Terms according to the Old and New Medical Nomenclatures
Golden-horned dragon king, or, The emperor's visit to the spirit world (translated from the Chinese)
Hand-Book on Etiquette in Chinese Official Intercourse
Inquiry into the population of China
Lecture on the nature and structure of the Chinese language
Leprosy in Hongkong
Notes for Tourists in the North of China
Paper on Chinese music
Pictures of Tibetan life
Postage Stamps of China
Relations between China, Russia and Mongolia
Remarkable progress of the anti-footbinding movement
Silk: Its Origin, Culture, and Manufacture
Steam traffic and trade on the upper Yangtse
Story of Baptist Missions in Foreign Lands
Tea and the Tea Plant
Travels of Marco Polo, a Venetian, in the thirteenth century (translated from the Italian)
Treaty of Nanking, signed August 29th, 1842, and the Supplementary Treaty, signed October 8th, 1843. In the Chinese and English languages
Views of Shanghai, China
About the Charles W. Wason Collection on East Asia
The Charles W. Wason Collection on East Asia began as the private library of the late Charles W. Wason, a Cornell alumnus and railroad magnate based in Cleveland. Wason developed an interest in the Far East after he and his wife took a cruise to China and Japan in 1903, which was a crucial and transitional period in modern Chinese history, just eight years before the revolution was about to bring down a feudal system that had endured for over 2000 years. The Wason China Pamphlet Collection (DS703 Z101 - DS703 Z226) is held in the Rare and Manuscript Collection at the Carl A. Kroch Library, one of the nineteen libraries that constitutes the Cornell University Library. The size of the Wason Pamphlet Collection is c220 bound volumes, of which 69 volumes (DS703 Z146 - DS703 Z226) are under a uniform title, China and the Chinese, assumedly given by Wason himself. From the outset, Wason's intent was to collect materials providing a comprehensive view of China and the Chinese people, both in and outside of China. Realizing the importance of journal literature, Wason collected pamphlets and excerpted articles from periodicals, and bound into volumes for which tables of contents were created. While China was always the emphasis, Wason desired a well-rounded collection and acquired important titles relating to countries influenced by Chinese culture.
This resource is an indispensable addition to any library supporting research on all aspects of Chinese history and culture, and is suitable for academic use from undergraduate to research level.
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